Friday, February 8, 2008


huhuhu kenapa blog ini diabandon???

heheheh pada terlalu sibuk ya di jakarta? gw juga kooo.. tapi gw hari ini sempet2in deh nulis... gw kan uda dua minggu nih honours.. gotta say that im starting to get pretty stressed out... ahhahaha ngebayangin harus ngerjain semuanya seblon deadline gw jadi agak2 takut gituuuu.. en kadang2 gw bisa mikir ko kayanya gw incapable of doing this ya sebenernya... tapi klo gw uda ngomong ama temen2 lab gw i feel slightly better... see? i picked the right lab then!! full of awesome supervisors and encouraging friends!

lab has been pretty cool.. i have my own bench, next to my supervisor... but then since Ian hasnt been doing a lot of lab work lately (none since i started) im kinda by myself on my side... with all the students starting on march, we're kinda worried about how busy and crowded the lab will be!!! and i have my own desk on the honours student area!!! how cool.. and i have a locker!! ehhehe those small stuffs kinda make me feel like i really belong in there.. *easily satisfied*

anyway come back soon please.. im getting bored and i havent been talking much at home.. i havent been talking to myself that much.. thats how lonely i am!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HOLA bukuungu. :) :). hehehehe.