oh well oh well.. feel like posting something here abawt somestuff we've been talking about. (so whats the point of this blog again? we repeat what we've talked?).. yes.
anyway, our dream of having this strange-made world where professions are based on BMI. :D hahaha Vira and me thought that was a scary yet exciting idea, while Nora hated it like nothing worse. It simply puts a new requirement to any profession in this world (yes, you can add new jobs - just need to submit your idea to the 'Institution of New Profession'!!). HAHA
Say an accountant needs to have a bmi above 30 (obese). If they dont, you CAN'T be one, or if you reealllly wana be one, you can take some extra classes on 'how-to-get-that-bmi-lessons'. hahaha
(Nora might kill me soon if i keep talking about this, so lets go on to our other kind of fantasies)..
Our world where you can choose aaaannyy kind of jobs, with no limitation on money, talent, spaces or whatever limitation you could think about. What would you be? i chose to be a dancer, vira chose to be a hiphop singer+dancer (maruk), nora to be an owner of an authentic record store. Come think of it, i think we're still able to make it you know.. ah this is not crazy enough to be a fantasy.
What about the world without sit ups? hahahaha or the world where guys get how important what they think is not important but we think is? (like that 'soap episode' nora and me watched at passion flower)
love, tiz

ps. i might fly to melb this weekend, taking a friday offf ;P
kan lo taun depan dan taun depan berikutnya bisa lebaran sama nadi!!! ini lebaran kita terakhir tiz!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO -you know who this is
idih ke melbourne.. ga suka nih gw...
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