Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Assuming that we will live up to the age 60 or 70, we have lived a third of our lives. How scary does that sound? And what have we achieved so far? Well, nothing much if we keep comparing ourselves to Bill Gates or Steven Spielberg. But if we do a proper calculation, we've learned a lot. From learning how to stand up on our feet (literally), to make up sentences, to write, and all the stuffs that you just have to get through to get you to become you. So now that we have become ourselves, we are now only starting to live the real lives dont you agree? We are now starting to have all these responsibilities and our parents start letting us know about the stuffs that sometimes i think we would be better off not knowing. We now know that all the things that we have achieved up until this point is pretty much useless. They do not make you any better than anybody else. Being an underachiever my whole life, ive learned to accept the fact that i will never be the best one. Being the worst, however, is not the solution. So yeah i bet you're now thinking what has happened to me today that made me write these depressing points that you are reluctant to disagree with. Well, i'll tell you. Nothing happened. Seriously, nothing. Weirdly, i have been overly emotional lately. But everything is fine! I can hear myself saying. Some hormonal change? Nope I guess it's just my one-third life crisis. XO Nora


Anonymous said...

masa by viratizkanora sih. nama gue mana. huh.

Anonymous said...

eh gila lupa emailnya. passwordnya inget. sms dong dong dong