Wednesday, October 3, 2007

earth princess

Let me begin the first post of this blog by saying: TAI PANAS BANGET HARI INI!!*
and that will be my cursing ratio throughout the entire post.

Then I remembered nora's favourite quote in that shrill voice of hers, "...yang penting hatinya nak...*".
Nor, it's not working... my body is not a freakin kulkas*, it can't keep my heart cold and fight off the goddamn heat seeping through every little pores on my skin (keratosis pilaris isn't helping either... yang ada pores tambah gede). So I closed shut all windows and doors to retain last night's cold air. Nice and cold!

Cooked for buka and watch the amazing Mononoke Hime!

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It's absolutely breathtaking :) I just cant believe I didn't watch it sooner, seeing that I've seen Miyazaki's other works. I must say that Mononoke Hime is the best, with Spirited Away coming in close second. The forest spirit is amazing and when he transformed into the 'nightwalker', I wished there and then for me to stop being human but to be part of the painted magical forest, a part of Miyazaki's imagination. Crazy, eh? But hey it's me, I'd go to Konohagakure in a heartbeat if a secret passage to a twisted parallel universe is discovered.

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*the nightwalker*

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I don't know why but I'm very much drawn into these kinds of movies. Battle between human and earth, technology and nature. I think I love this themes because it reminds us to sometime stop being so human: selfish and egocentric. It gives me hope that there are also things in life other than work, money and grades that are just equally or more important!

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"how high does a sycamore grow? if you cut it will never know..."

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*inuyasha forest*

Hmm... hints of environmental message in popular culture :P
I guess that means that I have to start following imo's very good habit of separating my sampah. At least I took my greenbags with me when I go to Coles and harrased sales people to not put items I just bought into a plastic bag. It's a good start. After that I'm ready for my MOKUTON JUTSU and at last I'll be a complete and official earth princess.

Love your Earth!
VIRA is your earth mama

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music: Heroes come back -nobodyknows+ and the sound of nora laughing to the TV set.
mood: happy, magical, albeit a tad kepanasan.

Translation for non-Indonesian speakers
*TAI PANAS BANGET HARI INI: shit it's very hot today
*"...yang penting hatinya, nak": child, its your heart that matters
*kulkas: fridge


Anonymous said...

see, i told you many times. mononoke hime itu keren. and ashitaka itu keren. anyway, i've got the whole soundtrack of it. keren juga.

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