Wednesday, October 17, 2007

i am not 21

Labelling myself the queen of procrastination is a heavy understatement!!!
Dari jam 9, gw udah bilang ke nora gw mau tidur.
I repeat what I said at around 10.
Setengah jam kemudian I said the same thing.
Ha Ha Ha...
Now here i am ngisi blog pdhal besok harus bangun buat rebutan power point di family law!

Anyway... it seems like the question of the day is: WHAT IS YOUR BLOODY PLAN NDIN? seriously... I'm
going nuts tiap hari mikirin that simple question 1st graders answer absent-mindedly: 'kalo udah gede mau jadi apa?'

Newsflash... kita udah gede. I am faking 21... udah lewat masa masa famous (intinya udah ga bisa lagi tiba tiba breakthrough ke Hollywood unless akting gw super brilliant). Jadi gw stuck ama law and journalism. Both so so... okelah. Not terribly excited about it tapi not sad about it either. At least bisa jadi backup plans yang cukup respectable kalo Timbaland refuses to sign me. (bloody lame joke)

Jadi after uni ada bbrp options yang bisa gw jalanin....

  1. Option 1: Ngambil a creative diploma (either culinary, fashion or dance)
  2. Option 2: Sign up di law firm (kalo keterima)
  3. Option 3: Kerja di some media outlet... majalah or koran
  4. Option 4: Jadi part of a communication team di sebuah perusahaan (yuck)
  5. Option 5: Balik ke Jakarta and do either Option 3 or 4
  6. Option 6: kawin and have lots of babies.. enough to make my own von trapp family
  7. Option 7: Join the Indonesian intelligence agency! haha
  8. Option 8: Why can't I be a ninja?!?!

So there... in a few years I will open this blog and see which path I actually choose.
Now ndin, its your turn to give a thorough discussion as to elo plannya gimana. Gw aja tiap hari fret over this and If I were you I would too!! I hope you are fretting and planning. OKE OKE OKE OKE?!?!?!?!

Laper nih and speaking of chocolate pudding... I want one. The food.. not the metaphor. Yumm.. pake fla and everything. oh.. oh.. oh..


How was your lebaran? Mine was good. Despite it being the fifth consecutive lebaran I spent apart from my family (Sherina taun lalu doesn't count), it was by far paling kerasa Lebaran. The family feeling and the food. Hehe...

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That, my friend.. is a SEA ANGEL. Isn't it pretty? It is smaller than a baby's pinky finger (I think... correct me If I'm wrong) but when you zoom and look at it closely, It looks like a tiny human being! The way they swim is like us doing perfect breast-strokes. Amazing little tiny minuscule creatures. Curang deh... they don't have to think about what they have to do when uni is over!!!!! Damn you sea angels.. haha

lovelove: VIRA

PS: Ndin, remember that book you read 'WICKED', they made a Broadway musical out of it right? And now.. they're coming to Australiaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! All the more reason why you should come back :)


Unknown said...

nice blog girls!!

Anonymous said...

sankyouu gassss -vira

Foodie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

wahh si bag bisa tauuu.. tiz